
Do you want to play Pickleball?

  • Do you want to play Pickleball? Here’s how to request an account and gain access to reserve courts!
  • New to Pickleball? Check out our free demonstrations (equipment provided!) to learn how to play safely and gain basic skills!
  • Court Reservation Rules  – All the information you need to know about paddle & ball requirements, reserving courts, adding guests, play times, and play limits.

Signups are open for Rossmoor Invitational

Are you interested in participating in the second annual Rossmoor Invitational? Rossmoor is another 55+ community, and they are coming to the Villages on Saturday, April 5th from 9 AM to 3 PM for a social day of Pickleball Fun, Friendship, and Camaraderie!

The divisions will be Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles. You can register for multiple divisions, but will only play in one. You must register yourself on YourCourts!

Women’s Doubles Registration
Mixed Doubles Registration
Men’s Doubles Registration

Continue reading “Signups are open for Rossmoor Invitational”

Club Pickleball Ratings

Interested in playing in a Club internal or external tournament? We are asking members to get rated, so we can ensure our teams are of equal level. It will also allow us to have equality between The Villages and other external teams (we’re asking them to do the same).

There will be a rating clinic held Saturday, February 15th. Full details are in this article.