Scheduling Courts 5 & 6 for Pickleball

To make sure you use the Pickleball Scheduler correctly (and also reserve the courts using the Tennis Court clipboards), please read the procedure on the web page Pickleball Scheduler [Will be updated to reflect the new advance reservation rule on February 1, 2019]

Please make sure you do not sign up more than five days in advance for Pickleball courts in the Tennis Shack. [Changes to seven days and 90 minutes in advance on February 1, 2019]
Also, please observe “court etiquette” and do not enter a Tennis Court until tennis players have completed their game.

To be clear – this is the signup schedule:
  • Monday sign up for Saturday
  • Tuesday sign up for Sunday
  • Wednesday sign up for Monday
  • Thursday sign up for Tuesday
  • Friday sign up for Wednesday
  • Saturday sign up for Thursday
  • Sunday sign up for Friday

Also, please observe “court etiquette” and do not enter a Tennis Court until tennis players have completed their game (even if they are running slightly over time).  Please wait quietly just outside the gates until they stop playing and are putting gear away.