Hello from our new President!

On Sunday evening April 5th,  we quietly transitioned to our 2020/2021 pickleball year.

I was hoping to have a bigger event, but the San Jose Symphony was Dr y sequestered, and the fireworks were canceled because of the rain.
Our club is special. We’re going to have a great year.
I’m very grateful to serve with a super team of our members who have volunteered to serve on the board, and/or as committee chairpersons.
Construction of our new courts are going to be delayed along with the rest of our lives. We’ll keep you informed as to the progress of events to obtain approval to construct the courts.
My goals for the year are simple:
Continue to support the fundraising and publicity activities related to the construction of the new courts
Provide a smooth transition for play on the new courts
Provide a welcoming, friendly atmosphere for our players, especially for our new players.
Offer a variety of tournament and social opportunities for our members
Provide instruction and assistance for new players in our sport.
There is no way I can adequately express my appreciation for our members who made the club such a great success last year. Larry Martinson in his message thanked the key players who made last year such a great success. I can only second his praise.
I want to again recognize and thank Larry Martinson for his outstanding year, and of course, we would all be lost without Anahid’s
support and assistance.
Larry Martinson was an outstanding president. He was the right man for the job at the right time.
Stay safe. Be healthy. Say Hi as we pass on our daily walks.
Bill Pomeranz