Updates to Parking and Designated Participant Information

Hello Pickleballers!

You may have noticed that No Parking signs have been removed from the street along the Pickleball courts. While parking, please use caution when entering and exiting your vehicles.

While we have moved to the Orange Tier, we still must fill in Designated Participant forms, and no one can enter the court until checked in by the DP. Every 90 minute session must fill in a DP form. It would be helpful to have people sign up for the role when they reserve courts. The responsibilities are listed in this document. A sample form is provided for your review. Please make sure to follow these steps as a DP. Questions? Respond to this email.

The first DP of the day picks up the clipboard from the Tennis Shack. They check in the players, ensure they are wearing masks entering & exiting the courts, use hand sanitizer and stay six feet apart.
At the end of each session, the DP fills in the form attached to their registration page, hangs the clipboard on the fence outside Court 1, and places the form in the box outside Building B.
If you are the last session of the day, take the clipboard back to the Tennis Shack (the building across from the tennis courts with the air hose on it) and leave it on the counter. Please do not put the clipboard in the box outside Building B – only the sheets go in there.

Thank you for your assistance in making sure we can continue to play Pickleball!

Bill Pomeranz, Pickleball Club President