2022 Spring Smash Tournament Schedule: 5/21/22 – 5/22/22

The draw for the Spring Smash is finalized! You can view the detailed draw at these links:

Below is the Tournament Draw and Schedule. We are going with a round robin format, where you will play 3 games to 11 in each match.

  1. Please arrive 15 minutes before the start time of your match and check in.
  2. Please report your scores back to the tournament table right after play complete; games won and score for each game.
  3. Spin the paddle prior to play. Winner selects side to start on or serve first.
  4. Five minute warm-up prior to play.
  5. Receiving side calls balls in and out.
  6. Most importantly, we ask all players to come to the courts at 12:30 Sunday for the Awards Ceremony and bubbly celebration!!!