Read all about our ratings clinic. We held our first time ratings clinic, which we hope will help ensure equality in our tournaments with other Clubs.
Also, more details about our Rossmoor Invitational!
Read all about our ratings clinic. We held our first time ratings clinic, which we hope will help ensure equality in our tournaments with other Clubs.
Also, more details about our Rossmoor Invitational!
Are you interested in participating in the second annual Rossmoor Invitational? Rossmoor is another 55+ community, and they are coming to the Villages on Saturday, April 5th from 9 AM to 3 PM for a social day of Pickleball Fun, Friendship, and Camaraderie!
The divisions will be Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Doubles. You can register for multiple divisions, but will only play in one. You must register yourself on YourCourts!
Women’s Doubles Registration
Mixed Doubles Registration
Men’s Doubles Registration
Continue reading “Signups are open for Rossmoor Invitational”
Do you know Sherry Benz? She has been a board member for many years, serving first as our Tournament Director and now as our Treasurer. Learn all about this vibrant woman who has been so instrumental in our success as a club here!
We held our first ratings clinic on February 15th, you can read all about it in Kim’s latest article, along with why there is no sorry in Pickleball! Click here to read her in depth reporting.
Did you see Kim’s article last week about strategy in the No Volley Zone (kitchen)? When you watch professionals, keep on eye on how they utilize the kitchen. Understanding kitchen play will elevate your play!
Click anywhere on the invitation to register!
Questions? Call or Text Michalle McQuay – 408-858-8249
Email: [email protected]
Have you signed up for the Player Clinic on February 15th yet? Kim wrote all about it in this weeks article! Need more info? You can contact Karen Ruth at [email protected].
Have you met Michael Actman, our new Club VP? He’s loving living in the Villages, and Kim’s article is a wonderful introduction to this family man!
Additionally, catch up on what is going on in the Club. Click here to read all about it!
Interested in playing in a Club internal or external tournament? We are asking members to get rated, so we can ensure our teams are of equal level. It will also allow us to have equality between The Villages and other external teams (we’re asking them to do the same).
There will be a rating clinic held Saturday, February 15th. Full details are in this article.
Our new Publicity Director, Kim Silverman has written a great article on why Pickleball is the perfect sport for us as seniors.
There are so many positives in playing the game, and best of all it’s fun! Read the full story here.