Pickleball Events and YourCourts Emails

the second Friday of the month through November. Be prepared for our incredible events team to prepare a special treat in November! They are also working on a large party in October, stay tuned for more info. We ask people please register so we can setup properly and keep accurate records. Go to https://villagespickleball.vgcc.club/ and click on Calendar to see everything going on!

Too many emails from YourCourts? You can easily control which emails you receive by following these simple steps!

Switch like a pro when receiving lobs!

We all know not to run backwards… learning how to switch properly when handling lobs is an important part of your arsenal. It also encourages communication between partners – something you’ll see all good players do.  This simple process will improve your play and safety on the courts.

Pickleball Safety

We all love Pickleball, none of us want an injury. One of our group leaders, Liz Kung, was overheard discussing stance with a new player.
Check out this week’s article, which includes a great video on proper positioning, which talks about Pickleball over 50 – well, physically anyway. All of us players are much younger than that mentally because we participate in healthy exercise!

Approved Paddles & Balls, Registering Guests

Those who have been playing since 2015 know the struggles we went through to get our courts approved. It really DID take a Village, as we went through multiple sound studies and jumped through hoops to obtain approval from the City of San Jose Planning Commission. Had we not found the Sun City Grand “Quiet Paddle List” and the quieter Onix 2 Pure balls, we would not be playing pickleball at The Villages. Need new paddles? Costco is currently selling Selkirk Latitude Paddles – 2 for $99, regularly $69 a piece (but you can’t use the included balls here)!

Being good neighbors to residents of both The Hounds Estates and Villagers is paramount. There is an updated paddle list on our site, and we are sending out another round of requests for paddle make & model to ensure our database is up to date. Onix 2 Pure balls can be purchased at discounted prices through our website, we buy in bulk to share with Club members.

The Villages requires us to register all players, and it takes less than a minute to submit your request for guests. Simply click this link!
See you on the courts!

*New YourCourts Functionality!* How to use the Wait List!

YourCourts keeps evolving, meeting customer requests, and now they have added a Wait List! You can add yourself to the Wait List and get notified by either email or text if a court is cancelled. Click this link to read the complete process.

A corollary is… if you realize you will not be using a court you’ve reserved, please cancel as early as possible, so others can make use of it. Thank you!