You can never have enough tips to improve your play – and this week Joyce Kludt shares more in her weekly article!
Author: Anahid Gregg
Meet Don Kludt!
Did you see Kathy Dombrowski’s article this week on our Court Manager, Don Kludt? What an incredible life & career he’s having – only topped by marrying his wife, Joyce!
Who takes that Middle Shot?
This week, Joyce explored the strategy behind the middle shot, with some interesting results! Read all about it here!
Video Highlights of our Mixed Doubles Tournament!
Enormous thanks to Liz Kung, who compiled video highlights from our Mixed Doubles Tournament (with contributions from others as well) held April 2nd and 3rd.
Liz also provided the photos shared after the tournament!
More Tips for Improving Play!
Take your game to the next level. Read Joyce’s article this week!
Social Drop-In Play – Friday, April 29th @ 4:30
Our Group Play Director, Steve Simler, has starting a trial Social Drop-In program on the last Friday of the month. There will be courts reserved for each level, you can find out all about it here!
Pickleball Events
Sheryl Ruth is one hard-working woman! We’ve already had some fun and exciting events, and she has loads planned for the rest of the year! Read more here.
RESULTS! 2022 Spring Doubles Mixer!
Our annual two day “Spring Mixed Doubles” tournament held April 2nd & 3rd was a BLAST!!
You can see photos of all the division winners here!!!
don’t forget to sign up for the Dink and Drink next Friday from 4:30-7:30 Continue reading “RESULTS! 2022 Spring Doubles Mixer!”
Sheryl Ruth… and 1st Dink & Drink!
Do you know Sheryl Ruth, Tournament Director Extraordinaire? Read on! Sheryl has organized our first Members Only Dink & Drink for this Friday – attendees must sign up here so we know how much food to provide ($5 includes food & drinks).
Villages vs Silver Creek!
Last weekend we had our first competition against Silver Creek. Despite age differences of over 40 years in some cases, The Villages won 10-6! Way to go, Team!!!