Join us for TWO exciting weekends!!!

March 27th – Villages vs Silver Creek Fun Event!
April 2nd & 3rd – Villagers Mixed Event

  • Sunday, March 27th from noon to 3:00, the Villages is taking on Silver Creek on our courts for a fun mixer!
    Players are finalized, but you can come and watch!
    Want to partake in the food & drink? You must register in advance as an attendee, and will receive a wristband Sunday. You will be contacted by Ginny Spencer regarding what is needed.
  • April 2nd and 3rd all day long – Villages Pickleball Club mixed tournament – we still have room in the following divisions – all divisions will be reviewed by the club to ensure they have the correct level players, ensuring fun for all! Click the link below to register – no partner? We’ll match you up!
    – Advanced Intermediate Mixed Doubles
    – Intermediate Mixed Doubles
    – Novice Mixed Doubles

Remember to have fun and play safely!

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