Have you met David Wong, our new Pickleball President? He has a fascinating background and a love for all things Pickleball.
You can learn all about David in Karen’s insightful article this week. We look forward to an exciting year!

Have you met David Wong, our new Pickleball President? He has a fascinating background and a love for all things Pickleball.
You can learn all about David in Karen’s insightful article this week. We look forward to an exciting year!
Many of us belong to multiple clubs utilizing YourCourts.
This document will walk you though synchronizing all your accounts so you can use one password, as long as you are using the same email to access them.
If you have any issues, please email [email protected] and we can assist you!
Next week you will learn all about David Wong, our new Club President. But today, you can learn about his New Years Resolutions.
These are particularly good to read through and then put into practice on the courts!
You can read outgoing President Joyce Kludt’s farewell message here. Please note there was an error in this week’s Villager, our new President is David Wong, our VP is Michael Actman. Thank you to both (and the entire board) for stepping up to lead our great club!
Welcome to new president David Wong! You can read his reflections on his year spent playing Pickleball. We look forward to a new year of fun on the courts!
Each year the USAPA adds and revises their rules for the upcoming year. For 2025, there are a number of rule changes, and we’re highlighting what are the most impactful. We have a link to the USAPA rules & changed rules under menu option “The Game”. Here is the direct link. It is often helpful to look other places for better explanations of changes😊. As soon as it is released, the new 2025 rule book will be uploaded.
You may know Nancy Domingo as a Tennis player, but she is also becoming quite active in Pickleball – she even represented us at the recent VGCC vs SCVCC Invitational!
Nancy also works at George LeyVa Middle School. She is dedicated to her students, and is putting together a Pickleball Program targeting at risk youth. Read all about it in this weeks article! You can donate used equipment for George LeyVa and Herbert Hoover Middle Schools and support the cause!
The Villages Pickleball Club had our sixth meeting with Silver Creek this past weekend, and so we’re sharing next weeks story that David wrote. You can read the full story here! See additional photos, and full results.
This is your opportunity to try the world’s only USAPA tournament approved quiet paddles. Earlier this year, the USAPA started a quest to make quieter paddles, which are approximately 50% quieter than other paddles. The Club has purchased two OWL paddles for members to try. They can then purchase them for their own use. The list below has information on reserving them. Continue reading “New Paddle List – OWL paddles were approved!”
Your Pickleball Board works hard to make sure that our Courts are in tip-top shape, that we have fun Mixers, Tournaments, and Events for you to participate in! Yes, it takes some work, but our Board also is a group of terrific people who work well together and have a good time. Just look at those smiling faces! We want YOU to join us! Nominations are now open!