Did you see Karen Ruth’s article about traveling around and playing Pickleball while On the Road? We are so lucky to have our courts here, but it’s always great to find more places to play!
Author: Anahid Gregg
Schedule of Events!
Do you know everything that is going on in the Pickleball Club? August is a hot month, especially for Pickleball Players! You can read all about what’s going on here! Click here to read the story, or expand below.
Court Changes
Did you see all the changes that were implemented? We’re reposting this as a reminder. Don’t forget Open Drop-in this Thursday at 6:00! Continue reading “Court Changes”
Pickleball Gives Back! Donate Shoes!
The Pickleball Club tries to be a good neighbor in many ways. One way is our ongoing used shoe collection. The box remains next to the Ball Machine shed by Court 1 (the Lost & Found box is on the side of the larger shed, which also stores approved paddles for use on the courts).
Thanks to the efforts of Peter Conk, we’ve collected a lot of shoes, and hope to collect many more! Please read and donate!
Larry Rosene… master of the Pickleball Ball Machine!
You can often find Larry on the courts playing Pickleball, but did you know he’s anohter of our wonderful volunteers who help keep the Club (and the ball machine!) running smoothly? Learn all about him in this weeks article!
Pickleball Etiquette
Joyce wrote a great article on Pickleball etiquette this week… we all love the game, and proper etiquette ensures we all have a great time. Check out her points here!
July 12th Dink & Drink is CANCELLED!
Due to the Heat Advisory being extended through Friday evening, we are cancelling the July Dink & Drink.
We are sorry to do so, but the health safety of our members is more important. If you do play Pickleball, please make sure to hydrate properly, and stop playing if you see any symptoms of the following symptoms. With heat stroke, your body cannot produce sweat.
Court Changes Coming Up!
- Court one reservation duration is being changed to one-hour all day. Currently it’s one-hour in the morning, now it will be one-hour all day long. Most of those who reserve do not use the ball machine for 90 minutes, so this will allow additional users for the ball machine, as well as those players who do not wish to play for 90 minutes.
- Each level specific group now has a session scheduled at 11:00 AM. Analysis of the courts shows these times are usually free, and during the hot summer hours it provides relief from the heat.
Please make sure to sign up for these courts so we can determine if more courts are needed! You may only play in ONE category of play.
– Intermediate Group Play – 1 court at 11 AM on Monday (one remains at 1:30)
– Novice/Adv Novice Group Play – 2 courts at 11 AM on Tuesday
– Advanced Intermediate Group Play – 1 court at 11 AM on Wednesday - *NEW* – Three Courts will be reserved for Open Drop In one Thursday per month as a trial. The first one is July 25th at 6 PM.
If this is popular, we’ll add additional Thursdays!
– You do NOT need to sign up for this
– There will be a court for Intermediate, Adv Intermediate, & Advanced play
– People can move in-between courts
– Paddles in the fence will determine next player - Pickleball lessons – more information to come on this.
Lessons will be offered by certified trainer Gil Cepeda
Fun & Interesting Pickleball Facts!
This week, Terry wrote about a number of interesting Pickleball Facts! We bet you don’t know them all – take a look and see what’s going on the the Pickleball world!
Dink & Drink – Friday, July 12th @4:30 – sign up now!
We had a wonderful D&D back in June, and are looking forward to the upcoming event on July 12th!
Please sign up here so we have a headcount for attendance.