Good News! At the Club Board meeting on Tuesday, June 26th, the Board voted to complete the Studies required by The City of San Jose to construct dedicated pickleball courts. These include a Storm Water Drainage Study, a Sound Study and a Soil Study . These studies will cost approximately $50,000. The funding will be split between The Villages and the Evergreen Villages Foundation.
Author: David Cook
Happy Father’s Day!

The Villages High Twelve supports building Pickleball Courts!
The Villages High Twelve supports building Pickleball Courts! Building dedicated Pickleball courts is an important project for all Villagers. As seniors look to move to retirement communities, Pickleball is now the number 1 amenity they seek. These courts will increase the value of everyone’s investment in the Villages. Pickleball also provides health benefits for seniors. It is a low impact, low risk activity that improves balance and agility while giving a great cardio workout. Just as important, it is loads of fun which is great for everyone’s mood.
Recognizing this, The Villages High Twelve has made their third pledge to help fund the project. High Twelve generously pledged to give $1000 to The Evergreen Villages Foundation for the Pickleball project. This pledge brings their total pledges to $2,000. We all greatly appreciate the support we have received from High Twelve and the Evergreen Villages Foundation to help make this project a reality.
Court Scheduling Rules
Spring Has Arrived – Pickleball Friday Drop-in Overwhelmed!
Mike Walias had his hands full matching up players and courts as 25 players descended on the two courts available for Friday afternoon’s dropin session.
Fun Pickleball Video
Pickleball – Why everybody in Palm Beach Gardens is going crazy for this sport
Congratulations to the New 2018/2019 Officers and Chairpersons!
At the 2018 Pickleball Club Annual Meeting a new slate of Officers and Chairpersons were installed as the club leaders for 2018/2019. Welcome to Garry Gray, Club President and the new team!
For the leadership team take a look at the link to the Board Members and also the pictures under Photos
A special thanks to Steve Williams, Past President, and his team of retiring officers.
Welcome to the new Villages Pickleball Club website!
The club is launching a new website with expanded capabilities and a more user friendly appearance. We hope you like it.
Web Site Under Construction
I’m setting up a new web site for the Pickleball Club and I hope everyone will like it. For the moment, it is built on most of the material that Anahid has built up over the years (Thanks!! Anahid).
As we move forward we will be able to add new features and I’m interested in feedback from the club on what direction the web site should take going forward.
David Cook