Six Doubles PB Strategies Players MUST Know! (Video)

Kyle Koszuta, “That Pickleball Guy”, makes great videos. He not only explains how to improve your game, but why – and will terrific examples. You can view the full video under The Game and selecting Instructional Videos. Here are the basics, but we strongly recommend watching for yourself.
1. Return and Run – if you are on the receiver, as soon as you hit the ball, run up to the kitchen line and stand next to your partner (who should already be there). Note how they are literally an inch or two away.
2. Stance & Punch – Stand in a ready stance, knees bent. Keep your paddle up, so you can control where the ball goes with short, compact strokes.
3. Serve & Stay – Many points are lost when someone moves up after serving, or backs up and makes a bad hit or… falls because you NEVER BACK UP!
4. Third Shot Tactics – learn a drop shot. Since many players do not move up, you can easily win a lot of points, and have time to move up to the kitchen line!
5. Hold the Line – Once you are at the kitchen line… stay there. Hold that line; you’ll be in position and won’t be off balance.
6. Dink to the Backhand – over and over! They will miss by hitting into the net or popping up.

Double Double Switch Tournament Results – 4/22/23

What a fun way to spend a beautiful Saturday! Sherry & Michelle put together an innovative tournament, and players got to meet new people while participating in a fun day! Read all about it in this weeks story, being released early so you can get all the details.

The full results are located in our Tournnament section, take a look. There will be another fun tournament in June – stay tuned for the details!
The top 8 finishers were:

Forty-one person limit at Pickleball Courts

Dear Pickleball Club Members,

When the Pickleball Club sought to build the courts in their present location, it was necessary to get a permit from the City of San Jose. To address the noise concerns of near neighbors and to comply with City standards, multiple sound studies were conducted at enormous expense to the Club.

In order to comply with the maximum level of decibels (55 dBA at property lines) allowed by San Jose City code, modifications were made necessary like soundbarrier fences and the restrictions placed on the kinds of paddles and balls we could use. Furthermore, in respect to noise the permit includes the following clause:

“The project proposes four pickleball courts which would be used during daylight hours. …with tournaments four times per year. On tournament days, there could be up to 8 hours of activities per day and a maximum spectator attendance of 25 people. There would be no amplified announcements or music. The sound level will not exceed 55 decibels…”
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