Many of the articles Joyce Kludt writes are cute, informative, or both.
This one can help to save a life – yours or a fellow Pickleball Player. Please help us by donating your empty pill bottles, as well as filling out a Vial of Life form and placing it in your Pickleball bag.
Thank you to Michelle McQuay for this brilliant suggestion!
Category: News
New Articles added to Website!
Several excellent new articles posted to the website – thank you Joyce Kludt!
- Pickleball Etiquette – Part One and Pickleball Etiquette Part Two (EVERYONE can pick up good tips from these two articles!)
- Let’s Warm Up – In the top three for avoiding injuries: Running backwards, Wearing the wrong shoes, and not warming up
- Pickleball Terms – do you know all these???
2023 Pickleball Board
2023 Pickleball Club Leadership
Hello Village Pickleballers! Please welcome our 2023 Pickleball Club Leadership members who will be meeting and working all year to help make our pickleball experience safe and positive all year. We would like to send a huge thank you to outgoing leaders Brooks Fuller and Sheryl Ruth for the excellent job they did as President and Tournament/Social Director.
How do new USAPA Rules get added?
Have you ever wondered how new Pickleball Rules are added? Our intrepid Publicity Director, Joyce, researched this and has all the answers!
New Pickleball Rules for 2023
Each year, there are many new rules proposed to the USAPA. Check out Joyce’s article to learn which new rules were implemented for the game.
Handling Lobs
Do you know the two biggest reasons people are injured? One is incorrect footwear, but running backwards and/or going after balls you can’t get is the biggest (as your webmistress knows from personal experience…). Make your New Years resolution to play not only better – but smarter as well! Read about how the pros do it!
Playing the Net
Do you understand the importance of the non-volley zone (Kitchen)? Proper net play can take your game to the next level. Read Joyce’s article in this weeks Villager.
The Yips!
What are the Yips??? Well, have you ever served for 3 years straight, then all of a sudden you can’t get a ball in? Don’t laugh, it happened to me, and it happens to the best! Talk about stressful! Learn how to deal with the Yips in this weeks article by Joyce!
Round two… VGCC vs SCVCC!
It was a tough fought battle against the youngsters across the street, and while we didn’t win this round, our players made a great showing – with Inessa Yurtsev and Michelle McQuay remaining undefeated! Read all about it here!
Major League Pickleball? The Olympics?
We all know Major League Baseball (I’ll say Go Mets so the Giants and Dodger fans don’t argue!), but have you heard of Major League Pickleball? What about the Olympics? Learn all about it from Joyce in this weeks article!