Do you want to play Pickleball?

  • Do you want to play Pickleball? Here’s how to request an account and gain access to reserve courts!
  • New to Pickleball? Check out our free demonstrations (equipment provided!) to learn how to play safely and gain basic skills!
  • Court Reservation Rules  – All the information you need to know about paddle & ball requirements, reserving courts, adding guests, play times, and play limits.

Good News!

The latest State/County Health Orders allow Singles play for Two Households for Pickleball, Tennis, and Bocce.
Good news! Under these new County orders we still can only play Singles Pickleball (only two people allowed on a court at once), but they may now be members of two different households. For example:
Bob and Cathy from one household can play singles.
Bob and Dan from two different households can play singles.
Bob and Cathy cannot play against Dan. Only two players only on one court!
You must still make reservations on prior to play and can only use approved paddles and balls.
Please do not enter the court prior to being checked in by the assigned Designated Participant.

If the County further relaxes the regulations, another notification will be sent out.

Stay safe,
Bill Pomeranz, President

New Courts are open and they’re beautiful!

The new Pickleball Courts opened today. A remarkable and beautiful addition to the Villages! Thanks to all the groups, donors, Villagers, Villages Club Board, and Staff that worked so hard to make this a reality!


Today the Pickleball Courts open for same household singles play. We all hope we can expand play early next year.

PLEASE – be very careful when leaving the new Pickleball golf cart parking lot and use extreme caution when crossing the streets to and from the new courts.

Residents will not be used to the increased traffic in that area and we want all to be safe. Public Safety will increase its presence in the area to bolster safety efforts as well.
Happy Pickleball day for singles play from the same household!
Bill Pomeranz, President

Please send David Cook ([email protected]) your best pictures for inclusion here on the website.

Pickleball Monitors are now “Designated Participants”

Effective Today, August 24, 2020

In the latest innovation to meet County Health regulations while utilizing club volunteers, all the court sports – Pickleball, Tennis, and Bocce are today switching from volunteer “monitors” to volunteers who are “designated participants” for each play time slot.  

A little extra paperwork and some new obligations to our volunteers – please thank them for volunteering so all of us can play.

More details about the rules and procedures here