Upcoming Events


The Pickleball courts opened on June 8th on a limited basis. See the new rules and make a court reservation!
Pickleball is back! The first players to hit the courts were Dave Roberts and Alex Shtarker on court 5, with Bob Shuck and Jim Valenti on court 6.


PB Courts Key Dates:

Bids returned:   April 17th
Club Board vote on funding:  May 26 – Club Approves funding Project subject to Membership Vote
Membership Vote Ballots Distributed – starting May 30th
Membership Voting Period:  May 30 – June 29th
Video “Roundtable Meeting” in lieu of Town Hall Meeting:    Now Playing (below) and on Resident Portal (and Channel 27 starting June 9th)
Club Membership Vote results:    June 29th    


The Villages Pickleball Courts Roundtable
(video presentation)
Script of the Roundtable video – lots of good information
Pickleball – A Great Sport For Seniors
Is Pickleball the Perfect Sport for the Pandemic?



Pickleball Courts Planning Permit Approved!


Great news!  At a public hearing this morning the City of San Jose Planning Department approved the planning permit for the new Pickleball Courts!

Almost 50 Pickleball members and supporters attended the Planning Department hearing at City Hall in support of the of the permit application.  Our Project Designer, Mowat, and Garry Gray, past club president, spoke to the key design elements and the history of the club and the courts project.  One resident from outside the Villages expressed a concern about noise, but the City planning staff noted that the design meets the City standards for noise and will only operate during daylight hours.  Mowat noted that the area has been zoned for over 30 years for uses like tennis courts or other outdoor sports, longer than the houses nearby.  After careful deliberation the Planning Director ruled to approve the permit.

Next steps are for Mowat to develop a detailed cost estimate to be taken to the Club Board.  With Club Board approval, then a membership vote will be scheduled.  Then hiring a builder and construction begins.

Thanks to everyone who came to City Hall early this morning to support the project!   We are finally making great progress and on our way to having new courts.

Support Pickleball, Support the Evergreen Villages Foundation !

Hello fellow P.B. members,
We are on our way to build our own Pickle Ball courts on the left side of the entrance to the Villages. The exact cost is yet to be determined. EVF board and the Club board recently approved $50K for soil, storm drainage and sound tests.
The foundation has been matching each donation received that is designated to the Pickle Ball project. The total is now over $100K. Obviously we need more and it wouldn’t it be fabulous if we had a donor that would pay a substantial part of the project so it would be easier to get a majority vote from the Villagers? Are you that Villager? We do need to be proactive to make sure that if there is a vote, it will be a positive result. A club board approved Ad Hoc committee is being formed by Aug. 1, to work together for that purpose.
To start the pickle ball rolling on developing this new “Lifestyle Amenity” and PB Awareness project, wouldn’t it be nice to have every Pickle Ball club member be a EVF Sustaining Donor supporting PB? We are seeking 100% participation and you can donate as little as $5 per month (less than the cost of a cup of coffee).  Wouldn’t it be great if all 100+ members donated $25 per month X 12 months = $30,000 designated for the PB project matched by EVF, that would create $60,000 a year? So, we are asking each member to commit to an amount that you are comfortable with for a tax deductible donation to show your fellow Villagers that you support the new PB courts 100%. 
Be a part of this great Pickle Ball facility project by writing a donation check to EVF or simply fill out the attached EVF form designating the Pickle Ball project. We thank you for your united support!

Larry Martinson PB Courts Fundraising Chairman
[email protected]
Pickleball Sustaining donor form:
Pickleball One time donation form:

Good News – Club Board vote!

Good News!  At the Club Board meeting on Tuesday, June 26th, the Board voted to complete the Studies required by The City of San Jose to construct dedicated pickleball courts. These include a Storm Water Drainage Study, a Sound Study and a Soil Study .  These studies will cost approximately $50,000.  The funding will be split between The Villages and the Evergreen Villages Foundation.

We want to thank both the Club Board and The Evergreen Villages Foundation for their support of this project!
See you on the courts,