Filling in a Club Membership Application

Requesting Membership – Any resident wishing to play should fill in a request. We have both full memberships allowing participation in all Club activities ($20.00 annually) and non-member residents (for those who simply wish to reserve courts).
Each household member must fill in their own application with a unique email address.

Coming soon – we will have a short video to walk through the process or follow the steps below:

There are two types of membership :

  • Non-Member Residents do not pay an annual fee, but can use the courts
  • Members pay an annual fee of $20.00 per year. Membership has certain advantages:
    • Unlimited participation in level specific group play
    • Use of Pickleball Ball machine for $10 per year, $7 for key (registration coming soon!)
    • Participate in club tournaments
    • Attend Club social events
    • Free unlimited lessons with the use of club owned paddles that you can try before you buy  (contact Mike Walias at
  1. Click the link to go to the Pickleball Club Application. All fields with an asterisk need to be filled in. An example of a completed form is at the bottom of the page.
  2. Enter the following:
    1. Name, email, street address, phone and selected membership type.
    2. If you do not have a paddle, enter N/A. If you do have a paddle, check to see if it’s listed on the Villages Approved Paddle list –  To meet the noise requirements per the City of San Jose, all paddles used at the Villages must be listed here.
      This is not the same as the USAPA ratings!
    3. If your paddle is listed on the approved paddle list, check Yes. Otherwise please leave as No. This will be verified.
    4. OPTIONAL: Ball Machine and Rank.
    5. For the Captcha field, total the formula shown, and enter in the box.
      In this case, 2+3 = 5, so enter 5 in the field, then click SIGN UP.
    6. Once submitted, scroll down. If you left a field blank or entered a duplicate email address, it will be  highlighted in red:
    7. A successfully completed application will display the following success message at the bottom of the page:

Example of completed form: