Do you know Art Lind?

Art is an inspiration to people everywhere! This nonagenarian is out playing Pickleball on a regular basis, as well as tennis, table tennis, bocce, and hitting the gym regularly. So… what’s YOUR excuse???
Read Karen’s interview with Art, and get motivated yourself! Just a note… he was at the last Thursday night Drop-In. Put Thursday, October 24th @4:30 on your calendar now!

Sign ups for Tournaments & the Taco Party!

It’s tme for the Club Championships, and for the Taco Party!
Click here to sign up for the Taco Party

Sign up for the tournament division you would like to play in:

Women’s Doubles – 9/14 Men’s Doubles – 9/14 Mixed Doubles – 9/15
Women’s Adv Novice / Intermediate Men’s Adv Novice / Intermediate Mixed Adv Novice / Intermediate
Women’s Advanced
Men’s Advanced
Mixed Advanced

Big Dills BBQ!

On August 3rd, the incredible Michelle held a new event… the Big Dills BBQ! She had the Dinkin’ Dolls man the BBQ and prepare a veritable feast for our men! They enjoyed BBQ ribs & chicken, potato salad, green salad, baked beans, and drinks. Play lasted for 3 hours, and a wonderful time was had by all! The ladies are going to be feted by the men on 8/24… a high bar was set for them!

Pickleball Gives Back! Donate Shoes!

The Pickleball Club tries to be a good neighbor in many ways. One way is our ongoing used shoe collection. The box remains next to the Ball Machine shed by Court 1 (the Lost & Found box is on the side of the larger shed, which also stores approved paddles for use on the courts).

Thanks to the efforts of Peter Conk, we’ve collected a lot of shoes, and hope to collect many more! Please read and donate!