We found quite a few esoteric terms online, and put together this quiz.
Think you’re a pro? We bet you’ll get at least one correct, as far as the rest, all we can say is… good luck! Let us know if you get all ten right!
Being a Good Neighbor
Just about any Pickleball article discusses noise, which is sad because there is so much more to the game than that.
The Villages took noise into consideration from the start, wanting to be proactive to avoid problems down the road. This is why we require the use of quiet paddles by all players on our courts. You can read about what we’ve done to mitigate the problem. We believe being good neighbors is important!
There was a recent inquiry about the life of Pickleballs. Our balls are softer, so they last longer. Professionals replace their balls every 3-5 games. But we aren’t professionals. Most people use their balls six+ months with average (3x a week) play. If you play hard, they may crack or become deformed (no longer uniformly round) before then. Remember – members can buy Onix 2 Pure balls at a discounted price through the club ($2.50 each). Non-members pay $4.00 each. Click here to request balls.
Pickleball Shirts, Hats, Visors, and Glasses now available to order!
As requested, we are now taking orders for Pickleball shirts, baseball hats, visors, and wine glasses. This is the last opportunity to order – if we do not reach minimums, we’ll cancel the order.
We will take orders until November 15th. Our vendor has worked closely with us, and costs for shirts have only gone up $3.50 since before the pandemic. Our hats and visors have not gone up in price at all. If we reach more than 24 of any combination of shirts, combination of hats, or combination of visors, prices will drop further.
If we do not meet the minimum order, no order will be placed without confirming with you first. Shirts, hats and visors can be viewed and/or tried on by emailing [email protected].
Is it “In” or “Out”
What do you do when a ball is questionable? Who makes the “In” or “Out” call? This will answer your questions!
Play the Line!
Do you stay back and volley from the baseline? Pros call it “Playing Tennis on a Pickleball Court” or being a “banger”. Ben Johns says it’s his favorite player to play against because he can beat them 11-0 every time – which is fine if you want to just have fun – everyone has different reasons to play (and when will you ever have a chance to play Ben Johns anyway?)!
Improve your play by learning to play up at the Net. Here are some tips Joyce researched on how to accomplish just that!
Pickleball BBQ
We hope you were able to make it to the Pickleball BBQ held July 23rd! If not, you can read about it here. Michelle & Sherry did their usual great job of organizing the event, and a great time was had by all!
Pickleball & Health!
We all know Pickleball is fun, otherwise we wouldn’t be playing it!
It also provides a myriad of health benefits – not only mental sharpness from playing, but of course eye-hand coordination, balance, and reflexes! Pickleball at its highest level isn’t about running faster & hitting harder, it’s about using your brain to play smarter! And don’t forget the social interaction so important to our mental health. Read all about it in this weeks article!
Pickleball Events and YourCourts Emails
the second Friday of the month through November. Be prepared for our incredible events team to prepare a special treat in November! They are also working on a large party in October, stay tuned for more info. We ask people please register so we can setup properly and keep accurate records. Go to https://villagespickleball.vgcc.club/ and click on Calendar to see everything going on!
Too many emails from YourCourts? You can easily control which emails you receive by following these simple steps!
Switch like a pro when receiving lobs!
We all know not to run backwards… learning how to switch properly when handling lobs is an important part of your arsenal. It also encourages communication between partners – something you’ll see all good players do. This simple process will improve your play and safety on the courts.
Pickleball Safety
We all love Pickleball, none of us want an injury. One of our group leaders, Liz Kung, was overheard discussing stance with a new player.
Check out this week’s article, which includes a great video on proper positioning, which talks about Pickleball over 50 – well, physically anyway. All of us players are much younger than that mentally because we participate in healthy exercise!